Code: JEM9330047
RRP $92.00 Inc GST
RRP $92.00 Inc GST
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Regarded by ancient herbalists as the ‘mushroom of immortality,’ reishi is traditionally used in Chinese medicine to support healthy immune system function and promote a healthy stress response. A famous Shen tonic, reishi is recommended to calm and balance the spirit, and to enhance sleep quality. It strengthens the Heart, Kidneys, Lungs, and Liver - it is one of those special herbs that work on all Three Treasures (Jing, Qi, and Shen), as well as all the five Taoist organ systems.

In China, reishi is known as ling zhi which means 'spirit plant' or 'tree of life mushroom.' The Chinese character for ling zhi is composed of three characters that represent a shaman praying for rain. The Latin translation of Ganoderma is ‘gano’ (shiny) ‘derma’ (skin).

Reishi is extremely rare in the wild and was once reserved for use amongst emperors and royalty only. Immortalised throughout Chinese art, temples, statues, and paintings, reishi mushroom was held in the highest esteem amongst Chinese royalty and is surrounded by many legends over the past 4 millennia. Kuan Yin, known as the goddess of healing, was occasionally depicted carrying a reishi mushroom. This polypore was extremely prized amongst the Orient and often hung above doorways as a protector.

Reishi is high in beta-glucans and over 100+ distinct varieties of polysaccharides. Triterpenes are the compounds in reishi responsible for the bitter taste that reishi possesses. Triterpenes are only extracted via ethanol and hot water; this is why we dual-extract SuperFeast Reishi.

Traditionally used in Chinese medicine to:

Balance spirit

Support healthy immune system function

Improve sleep quality / deep sleep

Health benefits:

Deep Sleep

Digestive Health

Energy & Vitality

Healthy Sleep Cycle

Healthy Stress Response

Support Immunity

Health benefits:

Beauty & Radiance


Energy & Vitality

Healthy Stress Response


Reproductive Health

  • AUST L 378031
  • Schisandra chinensis (Schisandra berry*)200mg / 250mlEquivalent to dry fruit 2g
  • 10:1 extract powder *dual-extract

Adults, mix 200mg in 250ml warm water & drink immediately.

Take three times a day.

Stir into hot water or plant milk for an instant tonic tea. Works well in hot or cold drinks, broths and meals.

Servings per size | 100g Jar = 77 | 250g Bag = 192 | 1kg Bag = 769


Our carefully dual-extracted schisandra is sourced from China's Changbai Mountains.


Caution use in those with an active peptic ulcer. Caution use in pregnancy - schisandra may cause uterine contractions and is useful postpartum to assist healing.

Store below 30C in a cool, dry place.

Keep out of reach of children.

Packed in Australia from imported ingredients.

Talk to a TCM practitioner/health professional if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.