Rener Health Products Customer Service Team can assist patients with the following queries:
- A product has arrived damaged;
- You have not received the product you have ordered;
- You are missing a product from your order;
- There is a discrepancy on your order;
- You did not receive an order confirmation, payment or invoice
Please ensure to make contact within 5 days of your order invoice, it is important to note that we will be strictly unable to assist with any of the above claims after this time.
Kindly note that our Customer Service Team will direct you to your Health service provider/Prescriber for advice should any of the below occur:
- You claim an adverse reaction;
- You have queries about Health service provider/Prescriber’s prescribed products;
- You require further information about contraindications/concomitant product use;
- You raise any concerns over your prescribed treatment protocol or your circumstances have changed in some way;
- You have further information you wish to share about your
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