Keep your houseplants happy and healthier without the guesswork. We The Wild Essential Indoor Plant Care Kit gives you the A-B-C of plant care; fast growth, healthy leaves, and strong, resilient roots. Delivered to you in a recyclable storage box, it's everything you need to care for your plants through every season. This is your green thumb without the guesswork. These 3 essentials are designed to replace your ENTIRE plant care regime. Use these multipurpose products on all your potted ornamentals, all year round without fear of burning or overdosing. Every product brings your plants the best Australian ingredients, to help them thrive like they would in nature.
1. Spray Protect Spray for healthy leaves
2. Squeeze Grow Concentrate into your water for fast growth
3. Sprinkle Support Pellets on your soil, or soiless media for strong roots and resilient plants.