Want to see fast growth, new shoots, and large leaves all year round? This highly active organic liquid plant food is like an energy shot for your indoor potted plants. It's formulated for fast absorption and can be used on all your plants, all year round. Simply shake and squirt it into your water to give your plants the essential bacteria, enzymes, and nutrients that they need for explosive growth! We The Wild cutting edge plant food harnesses the power of earthworms, to get your plant pumping like it would in nature. Each drop is packed with growth promoting bacillus bacteria, enzymes, hormones, nutrients and micronutrients. It works WITH all your plants natural function, to keep them growing all year round.
150ml comes in a recyclable bottle with dosage plug.
Rest easy knowing that you canât burn or overdose your plants - the more, the better!
1. Shake your bottle or liquid pouch and unscrew the cap.
2. Squirt approx. 1ml/L into the bottom of your watering vessel (a few good squirts works well). The liquid will become odourless once water is added.
3. * Optional * add a pinch of any sugar to supercharge the microbes in your solution.
4. Add water so that the solution looks like weak tea.
5. Water your plants like usual
6. Repeat every time you water, all year round.