FIBRACTASE 1200 108Caps

Code: INT9490014
RRP $128.70 Inc GST
RRP $128.70 Inc GST
Product Details
FIBRACTASE 1200 108Caps

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Fibractase Forte helps those with fructan and/or galactan (GOS) intolerance. This product contains the enzyme Alpha Galactosidase. It is taken at time of the meal or drink. Fructans can be found it foods such as garlic and onion.

  • Contains per capsule:
  • Alpha Galactosidase 1200iu. Excipients: calcium carbonate. HPMC capsule suitable for vegetarians.

Directions for use (adult): Take one capsule with liquid (or twist open capsule and place contents on food, or in liquid and stir) immediately before eating/drinking a product containing frutans/GOS. Lasts for approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

Maximum of 15 capsules daily (for instances of severe food intolerance, taking 2 to 3 capsules can be safely tried if not a sufficient response from 1 capsule, although not commonly required).

Child dose: (2 years and above): The powder is almost tasteless with little texture, so opening the capsule is a great option if do not wish to swallow capsules - and also for childen. Child dose is proportional to food intake, so approximately half the contents of a capsule would be suitable for a food portion half the size of a standard adult portion. Under 2 years of age please seek health professional guidance before use.

Store away from sunlight in a dry, room temperature environment.